- What deviancies have proved unacceptable to those holding the reigns of power, throughout humanity's troubled history? Whether church or state?
- How much more evidence is required, pertinent to the mismanagement of the authors of control, to finally send the whole established order to the dock? Is it not easy to see that capitalism has cleaved a deep canyon between the monied and the moneyless?
- Profit focused monopolies now focus political policy. How can it that be right that the greatest beneficiaries of a free-market economy, are given the drawstrings of the treasury purse?
- The energy available to the average European, or North American, is now many times that which a Pharaoh once commanded. With the power that is currently in your hands, you could wage single combat against the entirety of the ancient world...AND WIN! And yet there are still grave economic and electrical-energy imbalances here and now in the present!
Church Crime Expenses Scandal Government Crime Energy Sustainability Scrap Monarchy?