Everybody knows life cannot exist without water. The disparity between those parts of Earth that receive plenty, and those that receive next to none, are exacerbated by that tedious, hackneyed phenomenon Global Warming.
However, everybody also knows that without action, and the energy to sustain that action, the ecologies of the planet will melt through the very sands the onset of this thirst will create. Impossible to live without sustenance, marginalized people and wildlife alike, will seek to exploit new habitable niches, exacerbating already existing pressures as too many players bargain for too little space and resources.
A change of approach will not be initiated by governments, which are inherently self-preserving, and infamously ineffectual when dealing with local needs that have not been delineated for championing in their clunky, intransigent manifestoes.
But there is hope! We just need to grasp the initiative. Our movement NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT to force the hand of those in authority to address, as fundamental to the necessary adaptions to our changing climate, the devastating energy deficiencies across the globe. And with nuclear-fusion working to resource global needs, the rains will allows come, the deserts will always flower, the animals will continue to graze and prosper, the hungry will be fed, the thirsty will have access to clean water, and climate change will not kill off those living in hot countries by their millions!